Saturday, May 21, 2016

Welcome to Kale Chips & Fat Hips

Hello EveryBODY literally anyone that has a body is welcomed here... even animals. No, but really this is not just a blog for women and fat people. You may be taken aback by my use of the word fat, but this is a part of this movement. A movement in which we take ownership over a word that have judges others and causes pain.It’s time to take ownership of this word, and for it to be used as an adjective and not a definition of who someone is.   This blog is for anyone that has ever looked in the mirror, and at one point did not like what they saw.

My name is Sam. I am 24 years old and a body activist. I know some people will say “Oh She is one of those fat girls, using this as an excuse to be lazy and not lose weight”. Well, that person is partially correct... I am fat!  And as for my amount of exercise I do, that is really none of your business. However, if you stay tuned you will see how active I am! When I was thinking about doing this blog, I thought to myself, what do I want others to get out of this? What do I want to get out of this blog? My overall goal for Kale Chips & Fat Hips is to help others and myself in our journey of loving ourselves more and more each day. I also want to educate people about the imposed social norms that have come to shape our  society and how we see others.  These norms are harming people and putting unnecessary labels based on their body type.

"There is a reason why that [stereotypes]makes you uncomfortable. What about it makes you uneasy? And that is what we need to talk about." This was told to me by Dr. Camacho during her Women in Media class. This statement always seems to be popping into my head when I see or hear things that make me uneasy. I want to make my readers uncomfortable and have them ask themselves, what about this blog is making them uneasy? And I want to talk  to them about that. It is in the times that we find ourselves uncomfortable, that we are able to persevere and grow the most. The media shoves so many ideas into our head, we need to stop, analyze these ideas that make us uneasy, and have a conversation. What makes me uncomfortable is how people of different body types are portrayed. That is what I am here to talk about.

Since kindergarten, I hated my body and the way people treated me. As a kid I was told to go on diets, I was called fat,and I was made fun of. This lead me to hating my body and praying every night that I could be different. As I got older I would disrespect my body by not eating, and taking laxatives to get the "perfect body" in hopes to get a boyfriend. I found myself settling in personal relationships and not being treated the way I should have been t. I thought that since I was fat, that I did not deserve respect or a good life. This mindset was molded after many years of being bombarded by the media and peers of what beauty was.

Enough about me, now it’s your turn. This blog is a place for all to share, and I would love to hear your about journey of body acceptance.

Loving myself is something new to me and it still a work in progress. It is my hope that through this blog and being open about my journey I can help someone on theirs.

Love ,
Twitter and Instagram: Theladyrey
Snapchat: Swaggasam
